Energetic Presence

Ann-Marie Ahye's Energetic Presence - Yoga and Meditation teacher for more than 20 years. Ann-Marie conducts workshops and retreats in Toronto, and Tobago and increasingly, world wide. Her work includes - Hatha Yoga, Living Awareness Meditation, her Travelling Inward guided relaxation CD. see more of Ann-Marie on her website www.energeticpresence.com

Friday, November 03, 2006


Monday, Nov. 20, 9am-3pm

Take a Day to Practice and Reflect
By intending to raise your Awareness and supporting this higher consciousness through Yogasana, Pranayama, Relaxation and Self-Inquiry you will create much needed

space for yourself

Before the bustle of the Holidays set in, take time to remind yourself of
the need to create inner and outer space. Feel this as a direct experience
and have this as your gauge for returning to balance when any kind of excess begins to overwhelm you; excess of thinking, emotion, must do, have to go or have to have.

breathe and be embodied in a space of gentle fullness
Feel the true meaning of the Season

VENUE: St. Timothy' Church
NW of Yonge/Lawrence, Toronto


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